Mar 22, 2009

I Did It!!!

I got my hair cut...and.....

I LOVE IT! i am so glad i decided to do it. its such a nice change. and so much easier to do! yay for that :)

I've had a pretty uneventful few days...nothing much going on. Dani is just being her cute self. Dennis is being his awesome self. and the dogs are being their annoying selves.

thats all i got for now.

Mar 16, 2009

should i stay or should i go??

or rather should my hair stay or go?? i really want to do something different with my hair. its just long and boring and takes forever to do. i want to cut it, chin length bob kinda thing. but im nervous...its been A LONG time since i've had short hair. i love short hair, and if i didnt have naturally curly hair it would have been short years ago! i do straighten it, so the curls really wouldnt be a problem. but i do like wearing it curly once in awhile...and dennis loves my curls....and my long
i wish i was braver when it came to things like this...i used to be!! its only hair and it will grow back. but i'm still nervous.

i think i'll do it. its time to get some of my old self back...the one that didnt care what other people thought and wasnt afraid to try new things with her hair..or dress a little differently from everyone else!!

i feel like i've gotten so old and just follow along with what i think everyone else wants to see on me.

i just have to keep telling myself...its only hair..its only

Mar 14, 2009

8 months old today!!

so dani is 8 months old today! wow! i cant believe how fast time flies by.
She is just the most amazing little girl...we are sooooo lucky to have her in our lives. she is an incredibly happy baby..she is always smiling! lately she has been talking up a storm, and just today she is finally saying mum mum over and over again! i've been waiting FOREVER to hear it!

today we had swimming again...she just loves the water. she was smiling and splashing the whole time. after lessons are over, i'll have to be sure to get out and go swimming with her lots. too bad we didnt have our own pool!!

i love my little girl more than anything
xoxoxo baby girl!

Mar 11, 2009

Rockin' Good Time

After a busy day of running around doing errands, we went to my stepsisters place to play some RockBand!! My mom and stepdad were also there. they have a great projector, and a nice big wall for the characters in the game are bigger than me!!! it was great. i did some guitar. i did some drums. and unfortunately for my family, i sang. i CANNOT sing at all..but its so much fun! we made a band, The Brainless Monkeys. yup.

today Dani and I are just hanging around the house..its so super windy and cold outside. brrrr. Dani almost did an army crawl...normally she just moves backwards and rolls around everywhere. today, she used her arms to pull herself forward! YAY!

Mar 9, 2009


i'm laying in bed with my laptop and munching on some is good. :)


i aleady let a couple days go by without posting. we had a busy busy weekend!

Dani started her swim lesson, which she loved! i'm so proud of her, she handled the cold water like a champ..wish i could say the same for i like my swimming water to be in the high 80's...haha. after swimming we went out for lunch with my friend and little guy...dani passed out in the stroller, which was perfect!

after lunch we had a quick visit with my workplace and the headed over to my mom and stepdads place. visited there for a couple hours, and then headed over to my dads house to celebrate my aunts birthday! we had KFC for dinner (yum) and cake and ice cream for dessert (double yum!)

while we were there, dani learned how to play blackjack...

then on sunday we had Dennis sister and brother in law over with the girls and a fun day of playing games and eating good food!!
today, we had a nice relaxing day at home!!

Mar 6, 2009


My new favorite thing it listening to Dani when she is gabbing with herself in her crib after a nap! A couple times she has woken in the middle of the night and says a few things and goes back to sleep...haha. or maybe she is like her mother and talks in her sleep!
she likes to talk with her toys too..its just the best sound ever!!!

she says so many different things, but mama has only been said once or twice. besides mama or dada, i wonder what her first word will be? i'm so excited to find out....even though that means she is growing :(
its so bittersweet..i love all the milestones she hits and the different things she is starting to do (get an attitude being one of them!) but it means she is growing up and not such a baby anymore. sigh.

Hella Good... how i'm feeilng this morning! we were able to get No Doubt tickets! woo hoo! the concert is not until june 30th though :(
the tickets were damn expensive....i hate that about concerts. the amount of money i've spent over the years on concert tickets is ridiculous!

i cant wait until Dani is older and can take her to concerts with us!

Mar 5, 2009

No Doubt

I'm excited that No Doubt will be playing in my city! i think it will be a great concert to see. there is a presale for tickets tomorrow, i hope i can get my hands on some!

i'm excited to see what other concerts will be coming my way this summer.....


The last few days have been nice out...well, as nice as it can get around here at this time of year. it was warm enough to go outside without getting super bundled up and the sun was shining! unfornately we never got out for a walk...we were busy with other stuff. and now today, when i have nothing planned, it looks like crap out. boooo.
but, its still early...maybe the sun will come out later! i believe we are supposed to have a nice weekend!

Speaking of the weekend, we have Dani's first swim class! i'm so excited about it! i think she will love it..she loves her baths! we are going with a friend of mine and her little boy, who is a month older than Dani. should be lots fun!!

Mar 4, 2009

She is sleeeeeping....

Ahhh...i love playing with Dani all day, but boy oh boy, do i ever look forward to her bedtime!!
Its nice to have some free time to myself..which is usually spent on facebook or

Or it gives dennis and i some time together...well, if there is no hockey on that is. we usually watch a movie or something. tonight though, he is off doing stuff in the basement. trying to organize it all. i HATE stuff like that..i dont really like cleaning, but i'd rather be doing that, than trying to find places to put things. i usually just end up getting frustrated. ha.

so i am sitting here instead, having a beer, fooling around on the computer. this is only about the 3rd drink i've had since dani was born. every once in awhile i want one, but normally dont even finish the whole bottle. the idea of it always seems so much better than it really is. not a huge beer fan.

maybe i should go help dennis....

Hopping on the Blogwagon

Well it seems like everyone and their brother has a blog I thought "guess i oughta get me one those blog thingys!"
Honestly, i dont know how well i will keep up with this...i'm sure like with everything else i do, i will be right into it for some time, and then eventually just forget about it. ha ha. i guess i just dont have a whole lot exciting going on in my life to write, with that said, i'm sure that everything written on here will be about my baby girl, dani! (which by the way i find very exciting!!)
I wish i had of started one of these when she was first born, or even better, when i was still pregnant. but alas, i did not. so here i am, almost 8 months (!!!) have passed since i had her.
She is just the most amazing little girl...she brings me so much happiness...and so much frustration (no sleep!) LOL

my baby girl

Well, thats all i got for now....until next time....